The Fight Against Bad Breath

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Is bad breath cramping your social standing? Bad breath, which is also known as halitosis, can cause embarrassment or shame. Our dentist and team are happy to share some simple things you can do at home to fight gum disease.

Drink Water
One of the simplest ways to combat bad breath is to drink plenty of water. Hydration is important so that the mouth can produce enough saliva. Saliva is very important to oral health because it helps clean and rinse the mouth.

Dental Hygiene
Brushing and flossing are not only important to your oral health, they are an integral part of fighting or preventing bad breath. When brushing and flossing are neglected, the food particles and bacteria that linger in the mouth can lead to bad breath. We recommend that you brush your teeth twice each day and floss once daily.

Clean Your Tongue
Bacteria and compounds can form and collect on your tongue that put off an unpleasant smell. Cleaning your tongue regularly can help fight halitosis. To clean your tongue, either brush your tongue from back to front or use a tongue scraper.

Eat Healthy
You likely know that foods like onions and garlic can cause bad breath. Did you know that acidic foods and foods high in fructose can also cause halitosis? Because of this, we suggest that you avoid these foods. Choose instead foods that increase saliva flow, like:

– Whole grains like brown rice
– Orange and dark green vegetables
– Fruit
– Proteins

For more information about fighting bad breath in Orem, Utah, and to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Keith Dodge, feel free to contact Dodge Family Dental at 801-225-8060 today.